A PHP Error was encountered

Severity: 8192

Message: Return type of CI_Session_files_driver::open($save_path, $name) should either be compatible with SessionHandlerInterface::open(string $path, string $name): bool, or the #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute should be used to temporarily suppress the notice

Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 132


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Line Number: 292


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Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 166


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Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

Line Number: 235


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Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

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Filename: drivers/Session_files_driver.php

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Line: 315
Function: require_once

Idea of Dower and varieties of Dower offered under Muslim Marriage


Dower (mahr)is a total of cash or other property which the spouse is qualified for get from the husband with regards to marriage. The word thought isn't utilized in the sense is which the word is utilized in the agreement Act. Under Islaimic law, dower is a commitment forced upon the spouse as a sign of regard to the wife. The object of dower is additionally to put a mind the whimsical use with respect to the spouse as separation the wife. The spouse may settle any sum he enjoys by method for dower upon his significant other, however it might be too far in the red, and figured nothing might be left to his beneficiaries after installment of the sum. Be that as it may, he can't regardless settle under ten dirhams. 


1. Determined and Proper Dower 

Dower might be "determined" or "appropriate" proportionately as whether the measure of dower has been fixed or not. 

At the point when the sum is fixed between the gatherings, it is classified "determined dower". Such settlemtn more often than not takes previously or at the season of marriage. The sum s fixed may even tbe expanded after the marriage. 

On the off chance that the measure of dower isn't fixed the spouse is qualified for 'legitimate' killjoy, regardless of whether the marriage was contracted on the express condition that she ought not guarantee any dower. While deciding the4 measure of legitimate dower, the accompanying contemplations are considered:- 


a. Individual characteristics of the spouse 

b. Conventions winning in the place of spouse's dad; and 

c. Dower settled upon different sisters fo the spouse. 


2. Brief and Deferred Dower 

The measure of dower is normally part up into tow parts one called 'brief' which payable on interest: and the other called 'conceded' which is payable on disintegration of marriage by death or separation. 

The spouse may dispatch the dower or any part thereof for the husband or his beneficiaries. Such an abatement is substantial however made without thought . 

Brief Dower (Marjjal): 

The measure of dower is typically part into two sections brief and conceded. Brief dower is what is payable on interest and conceded dower is one payable on disintegration of marriage by death or separation. 

Brief dower will be dower which is payable promptly on the marriage occurring, and it must be paid on interest, except if deferral is stipulated for and concurred. Brief dower might be acknowledged whenever previously or after fulfillment. Evidence of intercourse between the gatherings isn't important for its installment. 

It is just on installment of the brief dower that the spouse ends up qualified for uphold his marital rights, except if the marriage is as of now culminated. The privilege of compensation, so distant from being a condition point of reference to the installment of brief dower, emerges simply after the dower has been paid. 

In Rabia Khatoon v. Mukhtar Ahmed (1966 A.A. 548), it was seen that the spouse may decline to live with her significant other and to concede him to sex, inasmuch as the brief dower isn't paid. On the off chance that the spouse sues her for compensation of matrimonial rights before sex happens, non-installment of dower is a finished barrier to the suit, and the suit will be expelled. 

In the event that the suit is brought after sex has occurred with her free assent, the correct pronouncement to pass isn't an announcement of expulsion, yet a declaration for compensation, contingent on installment of brief dower. 

[This guideline was first set down in Abdul Kadir v. Salima, (1886) 8 All. 148.] 


4. Conceded Dower (Muwajjal): 

Conceded dower is payable on the disintegration of the marriage it is possible that (I) by the demise of both of the gatherings, or (ii) by separation. 

For a situation where no particular extent of brief and conceded dower has been fixed by understanding at the season of the marriage, or by custom — 

(I) The entire is viewed as brief as indicated by Shia law; 

(ii) Part is viewed as brief, and part as conceded by Sunni law; the extent is controlled by the status of the gatherings and the measure of the dower settled. The Court has, in any case, the ability to grant the entire as brief. (Huseinkhan v. Gulab Khatun, (1911) I.L.R. 35 Bom. 386)

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Idea of Dower and varieties of Dower offered under Muslim Marriage